Windows on Work Symposium 2018
Exploring our Millennials’ Potential
Saturday, 15th September 2018
9am to 5pm
ITE College West
As a Millennial entering Singapore’s thriving – and rapidly – changing economy, have you ever felt overwhelmed by its competitive job market?
Have you ever wished you could gain some invaluable advice from trusted sources on how you could stand out from the crowd in job-hunting?
Are you confidently sure you already possess those desirable job skills that employers today are looking for?
Join us for a day of exploring your Millennial potential.
Together, we’ll discover on how you can value-add your career path and what can Millennials bring to Singapore’s economy. Gain deeper insights into the main industries – as well as the fast emerging sectors – that drive today’s economy. Ride on the latest trends in today’s job market.
A list of exciting programmes await you in this Symposium!
Work Canvas
A core competency development element consist of four keynote addresses by industry professionals.
Work Labs
A series of breakout sessions which act like the mentor’s masterclass to hone your optimal potential as a Millennial.
Work Windows
A career exploration marketplace for you and your peers to discover the different unique jobs available out there. Stand a chance to be selected to be part of our job shadowing programme
Event Itinerary
9:00am | Registration |
9:30am | Welcome Address & Opening Remarks |
10:00am | Work Canvas – Keynote Address 1 Cultivating Future-Readiness in Our Millennials |
10:30am | Work Canvas – Keynote Address 2: The Ever Changing Landscape of Today’s Economy |
11:00am | Short Coffee Break |
11:15am | Work Canvas – High Powered Panel Discussion 1 |
12:15pm | Networking Lunch |
1:15pm | Work Labs – 3 Breakout Sessions (You may choose only one): 1. SkillsFuture Advice Workshop 2. Making your mark as a Millennial! 3. Between Pragmatism & Idealism: Employment VS Entrepreneurship |
2:30pm | Work Canvas – Keynote Address 3 Bridging Generational Differences: How Millennials Can Surpass Expectations of Gen X Employers |
3:00pm | Work Canvas – Keynote Address 4 Getting Hired: Leveraging the Wonders of LinkedIn |
3:30pm | Work Canvas – High Powered Panel Discussion 2 |
4:15pm | Closing Act & Internship Opportunity Exploration @ Work Windows Marketplace |
5:00pm | Symposium Ends |
Register NOW to save your spot! Tickets are selling fast!
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